An end to end 3D capture and processing solution
The Challenge
3D Scanning can be expensive. Not only have the scanners been historically expensive (100k) but especially the processing of that data into usable, valuable data is time consuming and typically done by skilled, nich professionals with years of experience. While there will always be a need for on-demand service based scanning and service firms their role in the industry will eventually be much smaller than the massive vertical applications that leverage 3D data. Custom eye-wear, interactive mobile make-up applications, customized 3D printing solutions. All of these will be huge businesses and they all need a different approach to 3D scanning. For these applications the capture needs to be cheap and ubiquitous, the processing must be fast and transparent to the user, and the system must function as seamlessly as an Amazon Prime purchase. With ShapeShot I strove to implement this new business model within the Direct Dimensions umbrella.
The Solution
ShapeShot was founded as an end to end process for making 3D data more valuable. To this end I focused on 4 pillars, capture, processing,distribution and API.
- Capture – Recent synergies involving the maturing of photogrammetry software and high end GPU processing have enabled high resolution, and cheap 3D scanning. The current implementation is centered around a 3D photo booth. This same approach could be extended to cell phone scanning. While a single input source is used currently, the platform was built to be scanner agnostic, as new scanners are released few changes are needed to incorporate new data sources.
- Processing – Storage and processing occurs on a scalable cloud architecture. All scans are preprocessed into a web viewable 3D content and stored in database. From this point custom downstream workflows can take that data in many directions, including geometric manipulation, analysis, formatting for various engines.
- Distribution- ShapeShot allow for the free distribution of the 3D view of the model and a per use charge for any implementation of a processing workflow on the model.
- API – Our API allows our custom workflows to be developed to suit the developer needs.
The business model is centered around an easy and free way to enter the system, scanning and viewing of models is free. A transactional system is in place to monetize each scan as it passes through a processing workflow. This akin to checking out the model from the database.